
Crane installation notice

16th December 2024

Dear Residents,

Re: Crane installation notice

We would like to inform you that, as part of the ongoing development works at Ham Close, we will be setting up a crane for the construction of the Community Centre during the week commencing 6th January 2025.

The crane installation will take up to one day and will be managed by our site team. Please be assured that no crane materials will be stored outside the hoarding during the installation process.

Once in place, the crane will remain on-site for approximately six months to assist with the construction work. We can assure you that at no point will the crane carry out lifts outside the hoarding perimeter.

We will take all necessary precautions to minimise disruption to the surrounding area and ensure that appropriate safety measures are in place throughout both the installation and operation of the crane.

Our hours of operation are Monday – Friday 08:00 to 18:00 and Saturday 08:00 to 13:00.

If you have any questions or need any further information, please contact the project’s Social Value & Community Manager, Salma Khan on freephone 0800 032 6760 or by email to [email protected]

Kind regards,

Lenny Mazuru, Project Manager

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