
RHP, Hill Residential and the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames are committed to sustainable development at Ham Close which means creating a place with a healthy living lifestyle and this is done in all aspects of the scheme.

As part of the planning application we will detail our sustainability proposals / outcomes in full within a:

  • Sustainability Statement
  • Sustainable Energy Strategy
  • A Whole Life-Cycle Carbon Assessment
  • A Circular Economy Statement
  • A ‘Be Seen’ Operational Energy Performance Monitoring Statement
  • BREEAM Excellent Assessment for the community facilities

An Environmental Impact Assessment undertaking the following assessments among others:

       1. Air quality and Climate change

       2. Heath and Socio-economic impact

       3. Noise and Odour

Culture and Community

  • Flagship new Community Centre and MakerLabs facilities
  • New Linear Park
  • Formal and informal play through the site

Reuse and Recycle

  • Recycle through the Circular Economy with a minimum 95% diversion from landfill for construction, demolition and excavation waste
  • At least 20% of all materials used on site will be recycled.

Low carbon materials and

  • A ‘fabric first’ approach
  • Use of sustainable materials across the Community Centre and Richmond MakerLabs including timber
  • Locally sourced materials.

Water use reduction

  • A minimum 40% water use reduction
  • Rainwater harvesting fed to balconies for irrigation
  • Landscaped sustainable drainage systems and blue roofs
  • Ensuring efficient water consumption through monitoring stations and efficient sanitary ware systems.

Zero Carbon

  • ‘The proposals will achieve a total reduction in regulated CO2 emissions of 35% over the Target Emission Rate in Approved Document Part L (building regulations) 2013 through ‘Be Lean, Be Clean and Be Green’ measures.
  • The regeneration will achieve a zero-carbon target through a carbon offset payment which offsets the shortfall in regulated CO2-emissions (payable to London Borough Richmond upon Thames).

Renewable Energy

  • Photovoltaic solar panels assist Air Source Heat Pump systems
  • Modern construction creating buildings with a low heat demand reducing the need to use energy to heat homes
  • Design measures to address and successfully mitigate for the risk of overheating

Local and sustainable food

  • Growing areas for residents to grow food and herbs locally.

Equity and local economy

  • Employment of local people for construction workforce and apprenticeship opportunities.

Ecology and Biodiversity

  • Over 120 new trees
  • Biodiverse roofs
  • Bird boxes, bat boxes and bug hotels
  • Increase in native planting
  • 10%+ Biodiversity Net Gain.

Travel and transport

  • Inclusion of secure cycle storage for residents to encourage an increase in cycling at Ham Close
  • EV charging points across all parking spaces
  • Basement parking creating streets not dominated by cars.

Health and happiness

  • Provision of new and enhanced green spaces and community facilities
  • Improved spaces to socialise and opportunities for community group activities.
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